Arthrosis is a pathology in which gradual deformation of the joints is observed. In the initial stages, cartilage and ligaments are destroyed. The process proceeds slowly, so the disease is detected already at a late stage of development. In the future, this can lead to loss of mobility and disability.
The risk of developing osteoarthritis increases with age. The disease affects both men and women equally.
Joint pain during movement is the main symptom of the disease, which is why many seek medical help in time. Discomfort occurs during prolonged walking or heavy physical exertion.
What is arthrosis, the doctor will tell during the diagnosis of the disease. Pathology can be suspected when the following symptoms appear:
- night pains as a result of stagnation of venous blood and increased pressure inside the joint;
- the appearance of crunching due to friction of collapsing cartilage;
- increased pain during heavy loads, this is especially pronounced with arthrosis of the knee during squats, sports (running, jumping, lifting weights), carrying weights;
- weather dependence, when the affected joints start to hurt when the weather changes, especially before rain or heavy snow, cold;
- morning stiffness.
The difference between arthrosis and arthrosis, the doctor's answer
A doctor and popular health TV presenter says that the terms "arthrosis" and "osteoarthritis" mean a disease in which cartilage is damaged and bone tissue grows.
In arthrosis, the cartilage tissue on the surface of the joints is destroyed, the mobility of the limb is limited, severe pain occurs. The pathology is diagnosed in men and women over 40 years old (the main cause in women is the onset of menopause, when hormonal changes occur in the body).
Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of deformation of the articular cartilage and affects the bone tissue, affecting the entire joint, leading to damage.
Other diseases with similar symptoms
There are a number of diseases that have signs similar to those of arthrosis:
- Shoulder-scapular periarthritis, cervical osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and arthritis of the shoulder joint.
- Elbow epicondylitis, deforming osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis of the hand.
- Coxarthrosis.
- Rheumatoid and infectious arthritis in children.
Types of arthrosis by localization
Varieties of the disease vary depending on where the diseased joint is located. The mildest type of pathology is the shoulder. Osteoarthritis can be diagnosed:
- cervical region;
- knee joint (affects both legs, but develops to different degrees);
- ankle;
- the hip joint (pathology characteristic of the elderly).

Causes of the disease
The disease can develop without reasons (idiopathic or primary). Pathological processes in the body often provoke a secondary form of pathology. Reasons for the development of arthrosis:
- injuries (sprains, bruises, fractures, torn ligaments, meniscus damage);
- congenital anomalies in the development of joints (dysplasia);
- metabolic disease;
- autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
- inflammatory processes (acute purulent arthritis);
- infectious diseases (tuberculosis, encephalitis, gonorrhea, syphilis);
- pathology of the endocrine system (thyroid disease);
- hemophilia;
- age-related body changes;
- frequent hypothermia.

There are several diagnostic methods:
- x-ray examination;
- arthroscopy (examination with a video camera inserted into the joint through a 4-5 mm incision);
- blood analysis;
- histological examination of the synovium (with arthrosis, the sheath cells do not regenerate, atrophic waves appear, the number of vessels decreases).

The degree of damage to the joint
A classification including 4 degrees of disease development is used.
The first stage (the disease does not affect the ability to work):
- slight restriction of movement of the joint in only one direction;
- there are no bone growths on the X-ray;
- cartilaginous surfaces are uneven;
- narrowing of the joint space begins.
The second stage (affects the ability to work):
- moderate restriction of movement;
- loud crunching when changing the position of the limb;
- partial atrophy of nearby muscles;
- bone growths, osteophytes;
- the lumen of the gap is smaller than the norm by 2-3 times.
Third stage (disability):
- deformity of the joint;
- movement is restricted;
- pain during movement and at rest (relieved by painkillers);
- no joint space;
- muscles are atrophied;
- ossification of the articular surface.
Fourth stage:
- severe pain that does not go away after taking painkillers.
- complete destruction of the joint.
Basic treatments
The therapy of arthrosis includes several methods. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to take medication, monitor weight. Physiotherapy, kinesitherapy are prescribed. In severe cases, surgical treatment is performed.
The main task in the treatment of arthrosis is the elimination of pain. For this, drugs from different groups are prescribed:
- Non-steroidal drugs in the form of tablets, suppositories, ointments, gels, injections. Long-term use of these drugs adversely affects cartilage tissue.
- Corticosteroids. They are used in severe cases to relieve pain, they do not slow down the development of the disease. With uncontrolled use, the cartilage thins.
- Analgesics, antispasmodics. Poor anti-inflammatory but effective pain reliever.
- Chondroprotectors. These are the main drugs for the treatment of arthrosis, they provide nutrients to cartilage tissues, stimulate cell regeneration. They do not have a quick effect, the condition of the joints improves gradually. Effective even at stage 3 of the disease.
- Vasodilator drugs. Necessary to improve blood circulation, remove spasms of small vessels. Improves the action of chondroprotectors.

Physiotherapy is effectively used for arthrosis. The procedures include heating the joints. Dry heat slows down the destruction of bone and cartilage tissue, reduces pain and improves the general condition of the patient.
The following methods are used to treat the disease:
- ultrasonic impact. High-frequency sound acts on the tissues of the body, causing a number of beneficial effects. With micromassage, the muscles are warmed, blood flow in the capillaries improves and metabolic processes are accelerated.
- Electrophoresis. Under the influence of a low-voltage current, drugs are injected into the problem area without affecting other parts of the body.
- magnetic therapy. Application of the method helps to reduce inflammatory reactions, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood flow and accelerates the regeneration of cells in the problem area.
- Exposure to radiation (use of infrared, ultraviolet or laser radiation). It is used as a supplement to other physiotherapeutic methods or in case of contraindications for their application.
In the absence of positive dynamics in the treatment of arthrosis, surgical methods are used:
- Operative interventions. There are 4 types: joint-preserving, joint-replacing, joint-resecting, joint-strengthening. The choice depends on the degree of development of the disease, the intensity of the pain, the individual characteristics of the patient.
- Puncture. It is carried out in case of progressive arthrosis. It performs 2 functions: relieves pain in the damaged joint and relieves tension inside the capsule, removing from it substances that destroy cartilage tissue. This is an informative diagnostic method. During this procedure, after local anesthesia, drugs are injected into the joint.
- Arthroscopy. It is often performed on an outpatient basis. During the procedure, areas of cartilage or bone can be removed from the joint, the meniscus can be treated, the ligamentous apparatus can be reconstructed and the joint surfaces deformed in arthrosis can be cleaned. It is performed under general or local anesthesia.
- Arthrotomy. The opening of the joint is performed if arthroscopy does not give a positive result. It is indicated for prolonged swelling of the joint and constant severe pain that is not relieved by medication. It is recommended if you want to remove large fragments of cartilage or bone tissue.

Operations to change the position of the joint are performed in cases where it is necessary to correct the position of the bones, with defects in the structure of the joints, such as the prevention of arthrosis.
exercise therapy
Physiotherapy exercises can help in the initial stages of the disease, when the joint is not yet deformed. Active movements slow down the course of the disease, but in case of damage to the joints, when the disease moves to later stages, physical exercises can contribute to the development of exacerbation and destruction of tissues in the problem area.
You should do it only after consulting a specialist who will help you choose a set of exercises and master the implementation methodology. The first training should take place under the supervision of an instructor.
When performing exercises, you must follow the rules:
- Avoid stressing the injured joint.
- A moderate pace of exercise does not cause joint destruction.
- Rest and exercise should be balanced.
- Heavy loads and high intensity of movement cause increased pain and provoke swelling of the joint.
- In each position of the body, it is necessary to remember the correct posture.
Regular exercises of exercise therapy help to increase the range of motion, relax the muscles and improve the general condition of the patient.
Manual therapy
In combination with drugs, manual therapy methods are used in the treatment of arthrosis, which increase the mobility of damaged joints, prevent muscle atrophy and have a positive effect on the patient's entire body.
The following manipulations are performed during the session:
- Relaxation (complete relaxation) of the muscles involved in the work of the diseased joint.
- Carrying out low-frequency mobilization of the joint surface to expand the range of motion of the joint to the limit of its mobility.
- Acupressure according to the Schwartz method to bring the muscles into a state of rest.
- The use of laser and apparatus therapy.

ethnic female
Folk remedies are actively used in the treatment of arthrosis to activate the production of collagen - the basis of tendons and cartilage. They also relieve joint swelling and reduce pain. Recipes include plants such as thyme, foxglove, dandelion (root), strawberry and birch leaves, willow bark.

There is a simple but effective way to use birch leaves. To do this, you need to choose comfortable clothes that fit tightly to the area affected by arthrosis (high socks or stockings are suitable for the ankle, narrow socks for knee treatment and compact leggings for the hip joint). At night, you should cover the affected joint with leaves and wear suitable clothes. You cannot wrap the fabric with polyethylene.
The leaves extract salts, toxins and cholesterol deposits from the diseased joint, the skin after the procedure becomes smooth and velvety. The course of treatment is 6-7 procedures, before use a consultation with a doctor is necessary, becausethere may be contraindications for use.
In folk medicine, ointments, tinctures, freshly squeezed juices, compresses are used to combat arthrosis, which are often recommended by doctors in combination with drugs. The action of all non-traditional means is aimed at reducing pain and swelling of damaged joints, restoring tissues and improving the general condition of the patient.
But you can not engage in self-medication, otherwise complications may arise.
Is it necessary to revise the diet?
With arthrosis, it is necessary to adjust the diet, which should be aimed at improving metabolic processes, reducing body weight, if necessary, strengthening connective and cartilage tissue and ligaments. There is no special diet. To achieve good treatment results, the following rules must be observed:
- Take into account the caloric content of the food so that in normal weight patients it remains stable and in overweight patients it returns to normal.
- Fatty, smoked dishes, semi-finished products containing flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives are prohibited.
- Products should be natural: low-fat varieties of fish and meat, seafood rich in minerals and vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables, hard cheese, butter, low-fat cottage cheese, nuts, chicken eggs, rye bread and bread with bran, high-quality vegetable oil, rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
- It is necessary to limit the daily intake of salt to 8 g.
- Drink at least 2-2. 5 liters of water a day.
- Include in the diet foods that include natural chondroprotectors: lean chicken, cartilage, red fish, hard cheese. Increase the use of gelatin, which normalizes the structure of cartilage tissue, strengthening it. To do this, you need to include various jellies, jellies, bay fish, pickles in the menu.
- It is necessary to set aside 2-3 unloading days per week (day of cottage cheese, kefir, fruits and vegetables).
What are the dangers of the different stages of the disease
In the initial stage of the disease, arthrosis manifests itself with periodic pain in the joints and partial limitation of mobility. The danger of the disease is that if you ignore its first symptoms, then in the next stages of development, the pathology will lead to the destruction of joint tissues. Consequences - complete loss of mobility. The patient is assigned a disability group depending on the degree of development of the disease and the condition of the joints.
Prevention of arthrosis is as follows:
- Body weight control.
- A properly balanced diet.
- Moderate physical activity.
- Avoid hypothermia of the joints.
- Wearing comfortable shoes.
- Healthy life style.
The danger of the disease is that a person can completely lose mobility. Knowing the symptoms of the disease, the causes of its development and the methods of struggle, you can get rid of the pathology in the early stages.